Pravidlá ochrany osobných údajov v spoločnosti HYZA a.s.

HYZA a.s. Personal Data Protection Regulation

Protection of your personal data is one of the main priorities in our company. These personal data protection regulations explain which personal data HYZA a.s. collects via these websites or related communication channels, particularly the company sites on social websites, for what purposes are your personal data processed, inform you about your rights and how the company protects such data.

These personal data protection regulations concern all personal data which HYZA a.s. gathers when you are in contact with the company visiting its websites, purchasing HYZA products, logging to get news and updates, using customer service line or when communicating with HYZA a.s. as an applicant for job, company customer, supplier or business partner.

Information for Persons Concerned when Gathering Personal Data

For purposes of these regulations, the persons concerned are natural persons – websites visitors, participants and tender winners on websites, consumers of product news and/or HYZA a.s. updates (press releases, new products, tenders or selection procedures) and news, applicants for job and other natural persons who gives HYZA a.s. their personal data.

Operator´s Data:

HYZA a.s., registered office at Odbojárov 2279/37, 955 92 Topoľčany, IČO (Organization Identification No.): 31 562 540, registered in the Companies Register of the Nitra District Court, section: Sa, insert No.: 10349/N, which specifies purposes and means for personal data processing itself is pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 on natural persons protection concerning personal data processing and on free movement of such data and Act No. 18/2018 Coll. of the National Council of SR. on personal data protection and on amendments of some acts by the operator.

The operator´s contact information can be found on

Processing Purposes and Legal Basis:

When processing your personal data we distinguish whether the data is given for being informed on HYZA a.s. news or the data is given in the Job Application Form or in a CV if you are interested in working for the company.

Personal data – your e-mail address given if you want to be informed on HYZA a.s. updates such as press releases, tenders, selection procedures, news and new products (on products with no allergens, gluten or with high meat percentage), is processed for purpose of marketing communication, customer evidence, informing the public on new products, promotion of HYZA product sale. The legal basis for such processing are legitimized interests of HYZA a.s., which constitute increased sale of HYZA products and management of its business activities following preferences and demands of consumers.

Your personal data – name, surname, permanent address, phone number, e-mail, date of birth, driving licence which you state in the Job Application Form or personal data in a CV that you send to our e-mail address: is processed to keep evidence of job applicants, selection of a suitable candidate for available job position, contacting and invitation for selected candidate for an interview. The legal basis for personal data processing is your consent, given as a person concerned, with personal data processing that you shall find on a website when filling in the Job Application Form.

Above mentioned personal data shall not be given to any other recipients and HYZA a.s. shall not transfer them to any third countries, nor international organizations.

Period for Data Storage

HYZA a.s. stores personal data for as long as required to meet individual purposes of processing, offer products, send your required new products and updates or as required by particular legal provisions.

Your e-mail address (as personal data) shall HYZA a.s. store during the period of sending you your required information on HYZA a.s. updates, such as press releases, tenders, selection procedures, news and sending information on new products. In case that, in the future, you shall not want be informed on HYZA a.s. news, the company shall not send you any news to your e-mail address.

Personal data stated in the Job Application Form or CV the company stores for 1 year from the date of submission of the CV. After 1 year, your data shall be deleted from the evidence of job applicants.

Your Rights

Shall HYZA a.s. already process your personal data pursuant to GDPR and the Act on personal data protection, you as the person concerned shall have the following rights:

  • Right to require from HYZA a.s. access to your personal data – you shall have right to get a confirmation whether your personal data are processed, and if so, you shall have right to get access to such data and needed information.
  • Right to have personal data corrected – based on your request to HYZA a.s., the company with no unreasonable delay shall correct your wrong personal data, or complete your incomplete personal data.
  • Right to delete your personal data – you shall have right to request that the company with no unreasonable delay deletes your personal data and HYZA a.s. is obliged to delete personal data in case if, (i) personal data is not needed for purposes it was gained for, (ii) you withdraw your consent to process your personal data (and there is no legal basis for processing), (iii) you protest against your personal data processing, (iv) your personal data has been processed unlawfully; (v) personal data must be deleted to meet a legal obligation according to the EU law or the Slovak law, (vi) personal data has been gathered in relation to services of information company based on the consent of a legal representative of a person concerned younger than 16.
  • Right to restrict your personal data processing – you shall have right that HYZA a.s. restricts processing if one of the cases occurs (i) you challenge correctness of personal data, (ii) processing is unlawful and instead of data deletion you request restriction of its use, (iii) HYZA a.s. does not need your personal data for processing any more but you need it to prove, apply or defend legal claims, (iv) you have objected to processing and restriction of your personal data processing shall last until verified whether reasonable grounds of the company prevail your reasonable claims.
  • Right to object to your personal data processing – you shall have right, anytime, to object due to your particular case, to your personal data processing that is carried out to perform task carried out in public interest or under public authority enforcement entrusted to HYZA a.s. or that is necessary for purposes of HYZA a.s. justified interests including objecting to profiling. HYZA a.s. shall not process your personal data until it produces inevitable reasonable grounds for processing that shall prevail your interests, rights and liberties, or reasons to prove, apply or defend legal claims. In case that your personal data is process for direct marketing you shall have right, anytime, to object to your personal data processing for purposes of such marketing (including profiling) within such extent as it relates to such direct marketing.
  • Right to transfer personal data – you have right to get your personal data you have given HYZA a.s., in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and you have right to transfer such data to another operator. You may apply this right only if personal data processing is based on your approval or processing is inevitable to perform a contract you are entered in and if the processing is done by automated means.

As the person concerned, you have right that a decision, based exclusively on automated procession including profiling and which has legal effects that concerns you or shall have similar effect on you, does not refer to you.

If your personal data processing is based on your consent you shall anytime have right to withdraw such consent. Consent withdrawal shall have no force on legality of processing based on your given consent before its withdrawal.

You can claim your above mentioned rights as well as consent withdrawal in writing sending an request to the company registered address or via electronic post, sending your request to e-mail address:

You may also send other questions to the given address regarding personal data protection.

In the business messages sent to your e-mail addresses, HYZA a.s. shall also state a possibility to cancel their subscription.

In case personal data protection in our company is infringed and that could lead to high risk for the rights and liberties of natural persons, HYZA a.s. without undue delay shall inform the person concerned on personal data protection infringement. For this purpose, the company has adopted an internal regulation that regulates a process and measures in case that personal data protection infringement occurs as well as essentials informing an authority and a person concerned.

At the same time you have right to file a complaint for the authority for personal data protection in case that HYZA a.s. does not duly and properly observe the rights of the person concerned.

Other Information

To give personal data – your e-mail address is not a legal request but the requirement necessary to enter into a contract (e.g. purchase of HYZA products, participation in a tender, competition). You are not entitled to give your e-mail address to HYZA a.s., it is your willing interest to read the news and updates of the company. In case you do not give your e-mail address to the company, it shall not be possible to send you the company news and updates.

Giving your personal data stated in the Job Applicant Form or a sent CV constitute a requirement necessary to enter into a (employment) contract. You are obliged to give such personal data to the company to be selected and addressed to as a suitable candidate for available position in the company. If you do not give the company the required personal data you shall not be included into a selection procedure and employment shall not start.

HYZA a.s. shall not take decisions with legal effects concerning the persons concerned based exclusively on automated processing (including profiling). When taking decisions involving the person concerned, there shall always be present a personal element such as HR clerk, business manager or head of a particular department.

When processing the personal data, HYZA a.s. shall observe 6 basic principles for personal data processing and shall be responsible for conformity of personal data processing with these principles. The principles for personal data processing are:

  1. Principle of legality, justice and transparency – personal data must be processed in legal way, fairly and transparently in relation to the person concerned;
  2. Principle of purpose restriction – personal data must be collected for particularly determined, expressly stated and legitimate purposes and must not be processed further on the way that is not compatible with these purposes; additional processing for purposes of archiving in public interest, for purposes of scientific or historical research or statistic purposes shall not be considered as incompatible with the original purposes;
  3. Principle of data minimizing – personal data must be reasonable, relevant and limited to the extent that is inevitable for purposes for which it is processed;
  4. Principle of correctness – personal data must be correct and updated as required; all necessary measures must be adopted to ensure that personal data that is incorrect in terms of purposes for which it is processed are immediately deleted or corrected;
  5. Principle of keeping minimizing – personal data must be stored in form which allows identification of persons concerned not later than it is necessary for purposes for which the data is processed;
  6. Principle of integrity and confidentiality – personal data must be processed the way that ensures reasonable safety of personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage using corresponding reasonable technic or organizational measures.

Social Media

Should you participate in forums on social networks of Facebook you should be familiar with and understand the tools that Facebook websites offer and which help you to decide how you should share your personal data in your profiles on social networks. Therefore we recommend reading the corresponding personal data protection settings, contractual terms and conditions and related information on how your personal data is used on such social networks.

Based on your decisions on settings on various websites of social networks some personal data may be made available to HYZA a.s. It shall regard information on your online activities and profiles on Facebook social network (e.g. user name, photos, interests, e-mail address, gender, comments and content you have published or shared).


For purposes to provide for better services for visitors of HYZA a.s. websites, the company uses cookies (i.e. small text files stored in your devices), that can be sent to visitor´s internet browser when vising the websites and stored in a folder for internet browser files. What means that at the next visit to website internet browser shall again load cookies and send this information back to website that created the cookies.

Cookies allow such websites to recognize your device and remember certain information about you as a website visitor and your activities performed during a visit on our website. Getting information about you and your activities gradually helps find out your interests and allows us to offer you a suitable product, job position or to evaluate your behaviour in terms of statistics.

 When visiting websites, you give your approval to use cookies; however, at your disposal there are also controlling elements to block or delete them.

Using cookies during your visit on our websites is your decision and most of web browsers are pre-set to automatic cookies acceptance. If you want to regulate your preferences regarding cookies you can anytime change cookies settings in your browser. You can allow use of all or only some of cookies. If you do not allow using our cookies in browser settings, some parts of our web localities shall not work properly, i.e. a result can be reduction or exclusion of some functions of our web and decrease in your comfort when visiting our websites.

Your Personal Data Protection

HYZA a.s. with a goal to ensure necessary level of safety of personal data against their loss, destruction, unauthorised access, change, unauthorised disclosure or misuse adopted necessary technic and organization measures, safety technology and procedures. One of the measures is to store your personal data into databases/software with restricted access in protected areas in HYZA a.s. In addition, the company controls access to such data, employs firewalls, anti-virus programmes, secured servers and some sorts of data are pseudonymised or encrypted.